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 Subject :portable video nodes.. 2011-08-31- 00:23:27 
Joined: 2025-02-02- 01:29:06
Posts: 0

Hi there guys just a quick post to say hi and to say how impressed I've been with HSMM-MESH so far.

I currently have 3 test mesh nodes running on the latest firmware.   The nodes are all linksys wrt54g units but diff model (one a gs one a g and one a gl).    I did try the DD-WRT olsr firmware but didn't manage get it running properly.  I'm not a networking expert but I'm learning :)

I'm interested in getting a mesh system up and running that could be deployed in an emergency situation to carry high quality video feeds from static and mobile units.

has anyone looked at wep etc encryption?   can I add an openwrt pacakage?

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 Subject :Re:portable video nodes.. 2011-09-28- 03:30:44 
Joined: 2025-02-02- 01:29:06
Posts: 0

managed to successfully test 3 nodes with 2 antrica 3200 encoder decoders yesterday.  The video was sent from a roving camcorder via the mesh to a decoder.   I've even managed to add wep encryption such as it is.

I'll try and post some more details when I get it packaged/boxed and get some proper tests done.

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 Subject :Service processor.. 2011-11-16- 23:20:23 
Joined: 2025-02-02- 01:29:06
Posts: 0

All up and running now with 5 nodes. Question for all the openwrt experts, is there a way of remotely checking supply voltage. The nodes are all running off of 9ah gel cells (approx 12hr service) but it would be great to be able to work out remotely when a node needs swapping out.

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Last Edited On: 2011-11-17- 03:08:01 By NG5V for the Reason
 Subject :Re:portable video nodes.. 2011-12-29- 11:08:41 
Joined: 2025-02-02- 01:29:06
Posts: 0

just a minor update, I've found a fantastic cheap case for the nodes.   Bradley 25mm canon ammo boxes.  totally waterproof cheap and very robust.   The case is big enough for a router + 1 or more gel batteries + enough space so it doesn't overheat too quickly.

ps heres the link

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Last Edited On: 2012-01-07- 07:22:43 By for the Reason
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