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 Subject :WRT54G3G-AT.. 2013-07-11- 23:20:36 
Joined: 2013-06-20- 09:22:08
Posts: 17
Location: Frelsburg, Texas


I have converted a WRT54G3G-AT (the ATT version) to HSMM-MESH yesterday. The firmware from the HSMM website did not upload on it because the header is for a generic WRT54G3G. The trick was to edit the header at the beginning of the file with an Hex editor. Contact me if you run in the same problem. The principle of the fix should work for all the versions (-AT, -ST, -VN in the US and -EU,-EM in Europe).

The node ( W5-F6CNB-160 ) is setup  and running inside the house in Frelsburg, Texas. The next step will be to find the coax of my 60ft high wifi omni antenna on the tower. It may take a little bit as I'll probably have to climb the tower and I have no plan to do it by 100F (40C) temperature.

73s Remi W5/F6CNB

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 Subject :Re:WRT54G3G-AT.. 2013-07-14- 09:11:07 
Joined: 2025-02-01- 23:20:49
Posts: 0

Yep. That's the same with the WRT54G3G-ST (Sprint Version):

What is the 4 byte header for the AT&T version?

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 Subject :Re:WRT54G3G-AT.. 2013-07-14- 09:41:59 
Joined: 2013-06-20- 09:22:08
Posts: 17
Location: Frelsburg, Texas
I have to replace the first 32 bytes with the one from the latest Linksys firmware. The first 4 bytes are W3GA .
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 Subject :Re:WRT54G3G-AT.. 2013-07-14- 11:41:51 
Joined: 2025-02-01- 23:20:49
Posts: 0
Thanks! I'll be on the lookout for those too.
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 Subject :Re:WRT54G3G-AT.. 2013-08-03- 18:39:41 
Joined: 2012-01-22- 12:54:21
Posts: 18
Location: Los Angeles
Thanks! I also have a WRT54G3G-AT, firmware version 2.02.02, that I'm planning to convert. Good to know it worked for you.
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