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 Subject :DNSMasq in HSMM-MESH.. 2012-10-07- 01:15:52 
Joined: 2025-02-01- 21:29:13
Posts: 0

Hello I would want to know if this would be possible with HSMM-MESH.

If hosting a website in my local network can be accessible to other nodes users ?

  • I have DNS pointing to something that is hosted on my home network. For example, you may have a security camera that has a domain attached to it (e.g., and it’s accessed from both on and off your network. Using DNSMasq on your router you can make the domain,, point to the internal IP of the camera so that anyone who accesses that camera from within your network won’t have to rely on external DNS getting resolved.
  • Testing a new version of my own website, but want to make sure it will work fine with the live domain. Can DNSMasq work on my node.
  • I want to create DNS for a site that is accessible using only a single word, such as intranet. Companies do this kind of thing all the time where an internal-only website can be reached without needing or wanting a publicly-accessible URL. But I want it to be accessible to other nodes users.

How can I accomplish the above bullet points ?



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 Subject :Re:DNSMasq in HSMM-MESH.. 2012-10-08- 17:59:31 
Joined: 2012-07-07- 23:39:07
Posts: 23
Location: Roy, WA
Have you tried adding the names you want to use to /etc/hosts or /etc/hosts.user?
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 Subject :Re:DNSMasq in HSMM-MESH.. 2012-10-09- 08:03:13 
Joined: 2025-02-01- 21:29:13
Posts: 0
Hello, yes I did it on the computer that sits behind the router. Is it possible to do it on the router that controls the entire network ? ( sort of nodes controller router). Thanks
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 Subject :Re:DNSMasq in HSMM-MESH.. 2012-10-09- 11:38:45 
Joined: 2012-07-07- 23:39:07
Posts: 23
Location: Roy, WA
Chris, This document describes exactly what you want to do. -KY9K/Brian
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 Subject :Re:DNSMasq in HSMM-MESH.. 2012-10-09- 15:14:33 
Joined: 2025-02-01- 21:29:13
Posts: 0
Hello Brian, I'm having a problem with the link you provided. I kept on receiving an error message '404 component not found'. I logged in but it does not work still... Can you please verify the link ? Thanks, Chris
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 Subject :Re:DNSMasq in HSMM-MESH.. 2012-10-09- 16:12:22 
Joined: 2012-07-07- 23:39:07
Posts: 23
Location: Roy, WA

Chris, In the "HSMM-MESH Info" box on the left side of this page, there is an item labeled "HSMM Files". Scroll down near the bottom to "Hamcom 2011 Advanced Configuration by Rusty Haddock, AE5AE". That is the PDF file I was linking.  It appears the editor deleted my blank line before the "-Brian/KY9K" and that made it part of the link.


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Last Edited On: 2012-10-09- 16:13:45 By KY9K for the Reason
 Subject :Re:DNSMasq in HSMM-MESH.. 2012-10-10- 06:47:20 
Joined: 2025-02-01- 21:29:13
Posts: 0

Hello Brian, thank you for the link. It is indeed what I was looking for....

I'm going to fellow the instructions.

Thanks again... Regards, Chris

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Last Edited On: 2012-10-10- 06:48:58 By for the Reason
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