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 Subject :WRT54G3G-ST.. 2012-08-07- 16:45:06 
Joined: 2025-02-01- 20:39:15
Posts: 0

I can safely say that the HSMM-MESH firmware can be loaded and installed on the WRT54G3G-ST router.  It all checks out and works just fine.

The only change that needs to be made is opening up a *.bin file and changing the first 4 bytes to "W3GS"  Once you do that, just do a firmware upgrade and you are good to go!

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 Subject :Re:WRT54G3G-ST.. 2012-09-03- 04:54:24 
Joined: 2012-07-29- 13:39:05
Posts: 55
Location: Nevils in SE-Georgia, USA
I bought a pair of these and following KF5JIM's lead had them up in no time at all. Now I need to deal with a mobile installation for a trip - then after that getting local buy-in. Any hints as to a preferred and affordable amp/pre-amp to compensate for the weaknesses of mobile ops are welcomed!
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 Subject :Re:WRT54G3G-ST.. 2013-02-11- 17:08:19 
Joined: 2012-12-10- 21:34:13
Posts: 3
Can't get mine to take the firmware. By change the first 4 bytes do you mean by going in through nano or another editor or do you mean by physically changing it through say cat or something?
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 Subject :Re:WRT54G3G-ST.. 2013-02-11- 22:18:32 
Joined: 2025-02-01- 20:39:15
Posts: 0

Physically changing the first 4 bytes through a hex editor. I used dhex and the WRT54G *.bin file.

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Last Edited On: 2013-10-02- 17:40:52 By KF5JIM for the Reason
 Subject :Re:WRT54G3G-ST.. 2014-06-16- 08:50:55 
Joined: 2014-06-03- 13:19:08
Posts: 4
Location: Portland OR area
Wish I'd found this thread (and the other that listed the 'magic' for the -AT and -ST routers) two weeks ago. Was at SeaPac for the Mesh workshop, but couldn't get any traction with the vanilla WRT54G3G binary file to install. With the right characters in place for the first four bytes, for the two flavors of router, was able to re-flash this weekend and now have three nodes talking to each other. My editor pref is emacs' hexl mode. Can someone link that other thread, the one that includes the four bytes for the these models, to this thread? I tried finding it again, but no joy. (Is there a search facility for the forums?) Benton 16jun14 KF7QLP
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 Subject :Re:WRT54G3G-ST.. 2014-09-15- 04:46:58 
Joined: 2014-09-14- 18:50:07
Posts: 1

Thank heavens for this thread! With your help, I was able to successfully re-deploy my obsolete WRT54G3G-ST router in the service of ham radio!

I had tried flashing it with the standard issue WRT54G3G bin file but "upgrade failed". Once I put in the first four bytes as "W3GS" using GHEX (ubuntu Linux 12.04), it went perfectly.

Vy 73, aa4bb

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